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FlightFactor A320

4.69 STARS

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Flight Factor A320 Texture FIX/ENHANCEMENT

Texture mod for the Flight Factor A320 to correct the numerous issues that have gone ignored for so long. Cockpit has been redone to match current day A320 fleet cockpit coloring, Cockpit Flood lights have been brightened drastically, Screens are now shiny like...


Texture mod for the Flight Factor A320 to correct the numerous issues that have gone ignored for so long. Cockpit has been redone to match current day A320 fleet cockpit coloring, Cockpit Flood lights have been brightened drastically, Screens are now shiny like they should be, external glass is now visible, tires are now the same color and don't have the weird banding effect (simple color change that was forgotten by FF), and many other changes that make the A320 much more enjoyable to fly. 

installation is a simple drag-drop process and overwrite when prompted. these files are useless on their own and require the FFA320 to work. 


All textures are from the original flight factor textures. only color, brightness, and contrast have been modified. Most of the texture work is original to flight factor, some have been redone from scratch.

Oprindelig udgivelse
June 12, 2023
Sidst opdateret
6 month(s) ago — 2.2




583.99 MB



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4.69/5.0 — Superb!
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FlightFactor A320

Baseret på 8 vurderinger
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  • Opdateret til version 2.2

  • Opdateret til version 2.1

  • Opdateret til version 2.0

  • Initial File Release


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© HornetAircraft - All rights reserved. Enhver genindlæsning eller videredistribution af denne fil uden forudgående skriftligt samtykke fra forfatteren er forbudt. Denne Flight Simulator 2020 Mod blev skabt af HornetAircraft and shared in Aircraft Liveries » FlightFactor A320 til X-Plane 12.

20 Kommentarer

Well done, these textures have great effects!

Something makes me really confused↓:

I thought flight factor would improve their FCU and EFIS fonts, just like other fonts in the cockpit(in 320_legends_xx.png ), but after I bought this plane, I found out they didn't. So recently, I have been trying to create a custom file using panels.png (as this used to be applicable to XP11 version (1.3.5)), but I did not see any changes when load the aircraft after editing. So I want to know where does flight factor has placed the textures of FCU and EFIS to, or is that we can't edit them now?

Is there a possibility to make a blue cockpit version as well?

Amazing work, what about the Toliss version??

I really appreciate this mod. Great job!



6 month(s) ago / Takket af HornetAircraft

Great Job, Thank u

Awesome Thanks!

Very nice! Thank you

The only odd thing is the glass from the inside now, it's pretty milky and you can barely see through it now.

Screenshot from it:

It looks extremly good, but how do I install?

Amazing work, thank you!

I cannot comprehend how to install. Which objects folder? The names in both root 'objects' and 'cockpits' files are not even the same.

hello! Could you update it for xp11? thank you and very nice project

is also compatible on x plane 11?

How to install ?

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  • Version 2.2 August 13, 2024

    added Fuselage and Wing Normal Maps (Copy to Livery folder if liveries have individual normal maps)
    added window reflection fix
    minor tweaks and enhancements

  • Version 2.1 August 09, 2024

    FIXED HAZY COCKPIT (I think) New Darker window texture to counteract the haze. now easier to see.
    Added new set of textures for those using Default X-Plane sky environment (Pretty much everybody)
    Fixed some small bugs
    Fixed some coloring issues

  • Version 2.0 July 30, 2024

    Completely redid entirety of the cockpit texturing: specifics below.
    fixed incorrect cockpit coloring
    fixed incorrect flood lighting
    fixed incorrect cockpit text. now the correct white color, not grey when zoomed out
    fixed aircraft tire treads being incorrect color
    fixed transparent exterior windows
    redid flight deck screen glass from scratch
    other small adjustments.

  • Lanceret June 12, 2023

    Den første udgave af denne fil er netop lanceret. Velkommen om bord!

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