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I don’t know if it is just me. But when I am in cold and dark. The battery on humming sound is audible. I don’t think I heard that in the previous version.
yes, its works for me
OK gracias
Muchas gracias Luccio! Excelente escenario!
magnifique travail, félicitation pour cette réalisation, mais domage qu'il n'y ai pas d'eclairage de l'aeroport, cela est génant pour visualisé les installations lors de l'approche. J'attendrais l'amélioration sur une prochaine mise a jour pour pouvoir remplacer la scene par défaut avec la votre 😊
Buenas, envíeme un mensaje privado para ayudarlo
does it work?? Not sure if it does
Thank you for your support, I’m pleased you like the SkyMatix VA livery.
Happy flying 😍✈️😎
Fixed in the latest version
I have no problem with it, I use xCamera and it is fine for me. Please post to our forum for more help, we do not help here, as per the original post.
Please post this on our forum. Cannot help you here.
Could you do North of Italy?
works well, makes us proud of
eline sağlık Berkay Abi 😊
Very good and work great with Ortho4XP, Thank you.
there is no shadex / preset folder in the output resourcs.
B737-800(ZIBO) V4.03.8 ELEC SYSTEM bug or design error
Scenery: A/C Cold&Dark, BATTERY Switch OFF, External GRD PWR plugged in (blue GRD POWER AVAILABLE light illuminated). Although the battery switch is off, the GRD PWR connects to the TRANSFER Busses when the GRD Power switch is toggled to ON. On a Boeing 737 this is only possible, when the BAT Switch is in the ON position.
Ребята, такую работу проделали! Молодцы! Но, что с текстурами зданий? Почему это просто цвет? Где материал? Блеск? Шероховатость? Металличность? Готов бесплатно помочь вам довести его до нужного состояния и перевести в XP12
Did you unzip all the files to a different folder? You can use either the Installer or go to your Resources/plugins folder and create the folders ITC\win_x64, then copy the itc.xpl, presets1-3.itc, and settings.itc file in there.
i have the same issue. Please let me know how to fix this. i have my device ID. please let me know how to share it
Excelente gracias! 😊
Buenos días, gracias por compartir este escenario de LIM, sin embargo no aparece en mi simulador, y es raro, tengo todas las libreras a excepto de Sam World Jetways (es de pago al parecer), si alguien tiene una sugerencia, gracias.
Thank you very much for an amazing and wonderful livery to Skymatix LU737- 800 BR TIX078
When unzipping I do not see this for standalone Unzip the zip file and copy the entire "ITC" folder to your Resources\plugins folder for X Plane 12. NOTE: Check for a sub folder after unzipping. The folder structure should be ITC\win_x64\, not ITC\ITC\win_x64. All I see is these folders below, no ITC\win_x64.
Trying to manual install.
ITC Jetway Sounds
Legacy ITC v3.2
Optional Lights
ITC Installer v1.4.exe
it doesnt work with xplane12 steam edition
Is anyone else having issues with jetways connecting to aircraft ? Doesn't seem to matter what Gate I go to, it looks as if the airplaine is spawning in to far forward. Oh well, just wondering if its just me or everyone. Thanks..
That was it, thank you so much.
Are you running your UI scaling at 150%? This is a known issue right now. Temporarily reducing the UI scale under X Plane's graphics settings to 100% is a workaround.
I'm hoping to have a fix for this in the future.
Hello, with 4.2 standalone update, the gui is unresponsive when I click it. I use the installer option and can that the plugin is changing lighting effects but I can't modify settings or close the GUI once open. Any idea what I can do to fix? Thanks
Glad to know that you're enjoying it😋
This is beautiful!
Both liveries will be released upon receiving 50 total likes. 45 to go! See description.
Where are the new liveries?
Lovely looking scenery, very well done but for some reason I cant get rid of the error messages when loading the airport (I have all the libraries installed), seems like its some issue with the Runways in the apt.dat file, if this could be fixed it would be a 5/5 scenery, Muchas Gracias!
Great work, thanks for the livery! However, I've noticed that the word MALAYSIA is written under the Malaysian flag on the fuselage on some airframes. I would appreciate it if you could change that. Thanks!
Спасибо за отзыв. Извиняюсь, что так поздно отвечаю. К сожалению, картинку у второго пилота не исправить - особенности самой модели.
I just realized, I've been only changing the "Top" values from >=0.1 to >=0.01. I was able to make it work now, thanks!
Thanks for the tip but sorry I tried changing the values from >=0.1 to >=0.01 but the indicators still won't show at night.
*sigh* that freaking Toliss -.-
I just changed all Actions with 0.6 to use the ATA DataRefs *as recommended by Kiwi himself* because the ckpt/lamps Refs had the same Problem. Only to find out that the ATA Refs do the same with totally silly Values in the Night (like 0.07... being bright). Which is of course below the >=0.1 Condition to prevent the Indication being shown to long.
For the Moment you can only workaround yourself by modifying the Actions (e.g. using >=0.01 as Show Value). I'm just too pissed right now to go over all Actions *again* -.-
Encountered some issues with the indicators (E.G. On or Off or Avail) not displaying during night times, only shows during the day. But the button itself and all other functionalities are working properly.
Got latest version but cannot change views in xplane 12 Ctrl +4 or no 4 button not working, also x camera not working, numpad is activated
Superb work! Is all I wanted, very good detailed!
I think all runways can be now.
Script gets Quarantined in XP Vesion 12.1.2 - Does not work!